The system card

The PC-Engine's system card offers a lot of functions to handle the CD-ROM and other parts of the hardware. All of these functions are available through a jump-table at $E000. To call a system function, just multiply it's number by 3 and add $E000.

This documentation has a list of all known functions and a short description. I'm not able to cover ALL functions, because I've got to do some reverse-engineering to get the information, or I've got to wait until one of the Develo-owners tell me the information. Everything I say here refers to system-card 3.0.

The functions may destroy the registers, and some functions use the zeropage to store information. Here are a few important addresses:

$20F3Current VDC register selected
$20F7Value of VDC reg #5 (Control Register)
$2214/$2215Used for EX SPRDMA, written to VDC reg #19 (Sprite Attribute table).
$2227joyena - disable/enable each of the 5 joypads
$2243Value of VDC reg #15 (DMA-Control)

CD-ROM related functions

CD_BOOT, Function #$00

Brings you to the CD-ROM start-up screen.

CD_RESET, Function #$01

CD_BASE, Function #$02

CD_READ, Function #$03

Load data from CD

CD_SEEK, Function #$04

CD_EXEC, Function #$05

Load code from CD, load s with $FF and jump to the address contained in bx.

CD_PLAY, Function #$06

Play an audio track.

CD_SEARCH, Function #$07

CD_PAUSE, Function #$08

CD_STAT, Function #$09

CD_SUBA, Function #$0A

CD_DINFO, Function #$0B

Get information about a given track.

CD_CONTNTS, Function #$0C

CD_SUBRQ, Function #$0D

Read the Q sub-channel

CD_PCMRD, Function #$0E

CD_FADE, Function #$0F

Begin or cancel linear PCM or ADPCM fade out

ADPCM related functions

AD_RESET, Function #$10

Reset the ADPCM controller.

AD_TRANS, Function #$11

AD_READ, Function #$12

Read data from ADPCM to memory Notes: When reading into VRAM, $2272 (VDTIN FLG) becomes 1.

AD_WRITE, Function #$13

Write to ADPCM buffer from memory. Notes: When reading into VRAM, $2272 (VDTIN FLG) becomes 1.

AD_PLAY, Function #$14

Playback a section of data from ADPCM buffer. Notes: An error will occur if AD_PLAY is called during playback of AD_PCM. Before executing, call AD_STOP to halt the current playback followed by AD_STAT to confirm that playback has stopped.

AD_CPLAY, Function #$15

AD_STOP, Function #$16

Stop playback of ADPCM buffer data.

AD_STAT, Function #$17

Read the state of the ADPCM controller

Backup memory related functions

BM_FORMAT, Function #$18

This function is used to "format" the backup RAM. To avoid an accidental call to this function, you have got to give a pointer to the string "!BM FORMAT!" in ax. Otherwise it returns with A=1. When it's formatted, the BM_looks like this:
$8004end-address of BM, $A000 if everything went OK
$8006value $8010 first free entry ? memory used ?
$8010value $0000
Note: All the functions dealing with BM return A=FF, when the string "HUBM" is missing !

BM_FREE, Function #$19

Returns the free space in the BM.

BM_READ, Function #$1A

BM_WRITE, Function #$1B

BM_DELETE, Function #$1C

BM_FILES, Function #$1D

Misc. functions

EX_GETVER, Function #$1E

This function returns the version number of the system card.

EX_SETVEC, Function #$1F

EX_GETFNT, Function #$20

EX_JOYSNS, Function #$21

Reads all 5 joystick values and checks, if "Run"+"Select" is pressed. The joystick values are stored in $2228, $222D and $2232.

EX_JOYREP, Function #$22

This does directly point to a RTS instruction.

EX_SCRSIZ, Function #$23

EX_DOTMOD, Function #$24

EX_SCRMOD, Function #$25

EX_IMODE, Function #$26

EX_VMODE, Function #$27

EX_HMODE, Function #$28

EX_VSYNC, Function #$29

EX_RCRON, Function #$2A

This function sets bit 2 in VDC reg #5 and updates $20F3 and $20F7.

EX_RCROFF, Function #$2B

This function clears bit 2 in VDC reg #5 and updates $20F3 and $20F7.

EX_IRQON, Function #$2C

This function sets bit 3 in VDC reg #5 and updates $20F3 and $20F7.

EX_IRQOFF, Function #$2D

This function clears bit 3 in VDC reg #5 and updates $20F3 and $20F7.

EX_BGON, Function #$2E

This function sets bit 7 in $20F3. It does not update the VDC reg #5!

EX_BGOFF, Function #$2F

This function clears bit 7 in $20F3. It does not update the VFC reg #5!

EX_SPRON, Function #$30

This function sets bit 6 in $20F3. It does not update the VDC reg #5!

EX_SPROFF, Function #$31

This function clears bit 6 in $20F3. It does not update the VDC reg #5!

EX_DSPON, Function #$32

This function sets bit 6+7 in $20F3. It does not update the VDC reg #5!

EX_DSPOFF, Function #$33

This function clears bit 6+7 in $20F3. It does not update the VDC reg #5!

EX_DMAMOD, Function #$34

This functions sets VDC reg #15 and updates the value in $2243.

EX_SPRDMA, Function #$35

Copies the word form $2214/5 to VDC reg #19 (Sprite Attribute Table).

EX_SATCLR, Function #$36

EX_SPRPUT, Function #$37

EX_SETRCR, Function #$38

This function sets the VDC reg #6 (Raster Counter Register).

EX_SETRED, Function #$39

This function sets the VDC reg #1 (Memory Address Read).

EX_SETWRT, Function #$3A

This function sets the VDC reg #0 (Memory Address Write).

EX_SETDMA, Function #$3B

EX_BINBCD, Function #$3C

EX_BCDBIN, Function #$3D

EX_RND, Function #$3E

Math functions

(When writing an emulator it may be interesting to trap these functions, and to execute them native.)

MA_MUL8U, Function #$3F

MA_MUL8S, Function #$40

MA_MU16U, Function #$41

MA_DIV16S, Function #$42

MA_DIV16U, Function #$43

MA_SQRT, Function #$44

MA_SIN, Function #$45

MA_COS, Function #$46

MA_ATNI, Function #$47

Additional functions

PSG BIOS, Function #$48

This is an incomplete list of the PSG-BIOS functions. This group of functions is independent from the "main" list of functions. The function to call is indicated by dh, and an additional parameter is in al. That's everything I know about these functions.

(When writing an emulator it may be interesting to trap these functions, and to output the data to a MIDI-device or MIDI-file. Should be cool with a wavetable card.)

PSG_ON, Function #$0

PSG_OFF, Function #$1

PSG_INIT, Function #$2

PSG_BANK, Function #$3

PSG_TRACK, Function #$4

PSG_PLAY, Function #$0B

PSG_MSTAT, Function #$0C

PSG_ASTOP, Function #$10

PSG_FDOUT, Function #$13

GRP_BIOS, Function #$49

KEY_BIOS, Function #$4A

PSG_DRIVE, Function #$4B

EX_COLORC, Function #$4C